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What is Super Human Granola?

Every chef spends a significant portion of his/her career developing recipes.
When those recipes begin to define a methodology and palette, we take note
and often we begin to catalogue in hopes of one day compiling enough of the
extraordinary ones to publish in the form of a cookbook or restaurant menu. As
chefs we never expected one recipe to overshadow the others, but our Super
Human Granola has taken on a life of its own. We never imagined that all our
years as chefs would lead us to start a granola production company, but after
sampling the granola products available, we knew we had to try/grow. Our
Super Human Granola tastes like no other granola. It is a complex
arrangement of flavor, both dense and layered. In development we considered
every ingredient for its addition of flavor and nutrition. We set out to create a
superfood, not a food product developed in a food lab by taste “specialists”,
corporate marketers and agribusiness chemists. It is simply the refinement of a
pastry chef’s knowledge of what’s needed in a recipe to accomplish a certain
desired effect, that effect being the best tasting granola ever.

Our company, Chef to Table began in 2004 as a personal chef service in
Memphis and we began offering our Super Human Granola there, never
imagining that a place known for bbq and blues would embrace a super healthy
staple like granola. When our clients showed such enthusiasm for something so
unusual, we knew we had created something special. We ventured out a little
further into what we thought would be icy waters in the summer of 2006 when
we agreed to be a vendor at the first ever Memphis Farmers Market. The
response there was fantastic and after receiving orders from all over the U.S., we
knew it was time to reconfigure our company and focus on Super Human
Granola. And so we have seized the opportunity to consider the best path of
growth for our company and ourselves and have moved our production to Santa
Fe. Santa Fe was the home of our first restaurant and a place which continues
to inspire us today. To be able to do something we love in a place we love is
surely a successful recipe.

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